Village Level Aquaculture development in Africa: Proceedings of the consultative workshop on village level Aquaculture development in Africa; Freetown, Sierra Leonne 14 - 20 1985
Commonwealth Secretariat;Food Production and Rural development Division
Village Level Aquaculture development in Africa: Proceedings of the consultative workshop on village level Aquaculture development in Africa; Freetown, Sierra Leonne 14 - 20 1985 - London The Commonwealth Secretariat 1988
978-0-85092-327-8 0-85092-327-1
639.3096 VIL
Village Level Aquaculture development in Africa: Proceedings of the consultative workshop on village level Aquaculture development in Africa; Freetown, Sierra Leonne 14 - 20 1985 - London The Commonwealth Secretariat 1988
978-0-85092-327-8 0-85092-327-1
639.3096 VIL