You wouldn't want to be a Victorian mill worker! : a grueling job you'd rather not have /
Malam, John
You wouldn't want to be a Victorian mill worker! : a grueling job you'd rather not have / John Malam ; illustrated by David Antram. - Revised edition - Brighton : Book House, 2016. - 39 pages : colour illustrations ; 24 cm
Includes index
Textile workers--Great Britain--Social conditions--Juvenile literatureCotton
Cotton manufacture--Juvenile works
331.7 MAL
You wouldn't want to be a Victorian mill worker! : a grueling job you'd rather not have / John Malam ; illustrated by David Antram. - Revised edition - Brighton : Book House, 2016. - 39 pages : colour illustrations ; 24 cm
Includes index
Textile workers--Great Britain--Social conditions--Juvenile literatureCotton
Cotton manufacture--Juvenile works
331.7 MAL